Here’s another Big Box O’ Blocks! This set was a Christmas gift for our favourite little guy!
This year we made a similar set of solid wood blocks for our grandson like we did last year for our granddaughter. She has had a great time playing with them and we’re hoping he will enjoy them as well. And by all indications, he is!

As with our own children we have found that wooden blocks are an awesome toy that offers other benefits too. In addition to just having a lot of fun stacking them up and knocking them down they help children develop motor skills, because they have to manipulate the blocks to form different structures. Blocks also help them develop problem solving and creative thinking skills, as they use the blocks to build and create. Over time blocks also help children to learn the basic principles of mathematics, as they learn about shapes and sizes, and how to measure and compare them. Playing with blocks encourages imaginative play and is a great way for children to explore and express themselves. We can’t remember a time when our home, and our parents homes, didn’t have wooden blocks of some form or another. Such a great, and simple, learning toy.
Like the previous set these blocks are all made of Maple and are a variety of sizes. They also have a big red box to store them all in too.
Here are a few more photos:

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