There are 3 mortises per leg, 2 at the top and 1 near the bottom. The 2 at the top are for the skirt that will go around the table, under the top and the 1 near the bottom is for a stretcher that runs between the legs on the short side.
Here is a close-up of the top mortises showing both the mortises for the long and short sides:

The jig worked quite well. However, because some of the mortises were near the end of the legs where there was no place to clamp a stop block a lot of care had to be taken when approaching this end of the mortise. This sometimes led to burning of the wood in those areas.
Next I have to create the tenons on the skirts and stretchers that will fit in these mortises.
You can follow along with the building of the rest of this project via these links:
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