It really says summer when these ruby reds ripen and start hitting the markets and stores.

We look forward to this time of year with deep anticipation. Think of it, strawberry shortcake, strawberry scones, strawberries and cream, strawberries and ice cream and of course, strawberry jam!

We made our jam first. Past experience has shown that if we don’t we end up eating all the berries and have none left for the jam! 🙂
We make a freezer jam because we find the taste is so much more like fresh berries. There’s nothing quite like it smeared on toast made with homemade bread, in February! It almost tastes like cotton candy!
The crowning glory goes to the strawberry shortcake, a combination of strawberries, whipped cream and biscuit. It can’t get much better than this!

Whether you grow your own, pick them yourself or buy at your the market strawberries always taste better when local!