Don Moore was there to demonstrate how to turn small Christmas ornaments. With just over a month before the big day this was a timely presentation, and very inspiring, indeed!

Don turned a couple of different ornaments while giving instruction and tips on the making of each as well as on general woodturning. He demonstrated his techniques for hollowing out end grain, coloring by burnishing with different colored woods and the various finishes that he uses while turning a small snowman and an icicle.
He also brought in a collection of ornaments that he turned in the past to show the wide variety of options available, from the simplest icicles to snowmen and bells. Here are a few photos showing some of them:

Here are the examples that he turned tonight:

There were also quite a few great looking items brought in for Show and Tell this month:

There was even a couple of woodcarvings brought in:

And a great looking chucking system:

It’s always amazing to me how fast these couple of hours go by! It seems like you just get there and it’s time to go home. I guess the one good thing about going home though is the chance to get right out in the shop and trying out some of the new techniques and ideas!
Back to the shop…
Turning has ALWAYS intrigued me, I would like to make it a priority of something to try in this coming year. I am glad I found this post, (which was through Blog Catalog)
I am Moon-Writer there