We were able to find five caches within a few kilometers of our home in a couple of areas that we have never been to before. The areas included trails around two lakes that had quite a few ducks and eagles. The trail will definitely require a revisit in the summer when it will be a more comfortable stroll, and to find other caches there that we never had time for.
We saw a large eagles nest atop one of the power poles:

We came across a couple of flocks of ducks :

We never seen such a high percentage of drakes in a flock before:

Some natural ice sculptures on the edge of a brook:

We were happy to get out and lucky too. The following day we received 15-20cm (6″-8″) of snow and the temperature dropped below -10C (14F). We were so close… come on fair weather… 🙂
Keep on cachin’!
Great wildlife photos!
Where do you find mallards in Canada this time of year? You guys were at a zoo right? Nice pictures though. As you know, we’ve been through the geocaching drought. 7 finds since the first of the year! Hoo boy!
Hey, if you would, give a shout out to wayfarer222 through the geocaching.com mail server. It’s her birthday today!
The Northwoods Geocats
LOL! Yes, it’s quite a zoo up here! 🙂
FYI – We’re on the East Coast and we have mallards all year round… guess we feed them too much cheese. 🙂
Thanks for the headsup fo wayfarer222’s B-day! We sent our best wishes.
All the best.
Thanks for sending the greeting. She didn’t recognize the geocaching moniker, but when I told her who it was, she was tickled.
You guys are the best!