This month’s meeting of the Atlantic Woodworkers Association was our After Christmas Show and Tell, where members brought in ‘toys’ that they received as gifts as well as projects that they were able to complete over the holidays.
We also had a special guest from the Nova Scotia Federation of Anglers and Hunters, Wilf (Woody) Woods, who dropped by to tell us more about the upcoming ‘Nest Box Project’ which the AWA will be partnering with them on.

This is a project that will require us to build at least 200 nesting boxes that will be suitably sized for the Wood Duck, the Merganser and the Golden Eye. Once placed these boxes will help minimize the impact from nest predators. Placement, monitoring and maintenance of the boxes will be undertaken by a variety of groups and individuals like Scouting troops, companies and other clubs, through an ‘Adopt A Box Program’. We also hope to include local Scout troops in the construction, giving them an opportunity for skill learning and badge work.
The boxes will be approximately 2 feet tall and 10″ square with a sloped roof and an oval entrance hole. One of the sides will swing out for easy cleaning and there will be screening attached to the inside front wall that will help the young reach the exit hole.
The final plans must be approved by either The Department of Natural Resources, Ducks Unlimited or Hinterland Who’s Who. Once the plans have been approved and supplies secured we will begin!
Included in Mr. Wood’s presentation was very enlightening information on the Nova Scotia Federation of Anglers and Hunters and their dedication to the conservation of the wildlife in Nova Scotia, not only for those who hunt and fish but for all that enjoy the wildlife here in Nova Scotia. They do this through education, cooperation and by uniting provincial organizations having similar objectives, like this project with us. Over 80% of their work is related to ecology and conservation!
This looks like it’s going to be a fun project, and one with many positive returns for the Atlantic Woodworkers Association, the Nova Scotia Federation of Anglers and Hunters, the sponsors, the monitors and of course, the birds!
Following this presentation we moved into several housekeeping items that included a brief overview of a possible future project with Habitat Humanity, information on some bylaw propositions and an update on an upcoming club tour.
From there it was on to Show and Tell with several members bringing in their new toys and projects. The new toys included a cool drill driver, a Woodriver plane and a personalized branding iron. A few projects were brought in too. Here are a couple of photos of the projects that were brought in:
This is a beautiful coffee table made of a variety of different woods included some spalted Birch:

Here is a large rocking horse that has a Walnut bridle and Zebrawood mane and tail:

Here is a smaller project but a neat one. This is a one handed salad tong that uses a “spring-action” design, made by steaming:

The meeting finished with an auction for a set of new cordless Porter Cable tools and a Black and Decker Smart Select drill.
There were 20 members an 1 guest in attendance.
This was a great way to start of the new woodworking year. It promises to be an exciting one!
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