AWA Wooden Window & Door Tour

A few weeks ago the Atlantic Woodworkers were treated to a tour of the Wooden Window & Door Co., located in the small community of Woodville in the beautiful Annapolis Valley. Our host was owner/operator Troy Wood. Yep, you got that right – Troy Wood of Woodville owns and operates the Wooden Window and Door Company. What choice did he have? Really. 🙂

Wooden Window & Door

Troy began by telling us that the company started because of the passion he has with period architecture and that he had found how hard it was to find well built wooden windows and doors. Using tried and true building techniques, modern technology, high quality woods and with the help of two employees he crafts real, old fashioned quality windows and doors.

Restoration and replication is a large part of their business. Troy swears by the use of AutoCad which ensures authenticity and correct details. Then, using Thermopane glass units modern functionality is ensured with historic attributes.

Most of the windows made here are for great rooms and grand entrances with about 40% of the finished product being shipped to the Eastern United States.

The tour started on the main floor of the shop, which is located in the former Wesley Knox United Church. The sunlight filtering through the stained glass windows and then shining on the thousands of boardfeet of hardwoods was, as any woodworker would have to agree, almost spiritual. 🙂 This area is presently used as wood storage but will soon become a gallery of entrances when a planned storage building is completed.

Wooden Windows
Wooden Doors
Build A  Wooden Window
Build A Wooden Door
AWA Wooden Window & Door Tour
Church Workshop

Here’s a piece of Bubinga that is about 6 meters (20 feet) long by about 1 and half meters (4 feet) wide that will become a boardroom table:

Woodworking Club

While explaining the various parts of a door (the rails, stiles and panels) and the joinery used (mortise and tenon) Troy showed us how each of the pieces fit together to create a door of what was to become a part of a beautiful entrance.

Workshop Demo
Woodworking Shop Tour
Handcrafted Windows

From there we went downstairs to the shop where Troy took us through the process, in depth and step-by-step, that he uses when making his doors and windows.

Here he is doing the end of a rail on the shaper:

Building A Window

Here he is doing the edge of the stile:

Windows Wood

Here is creating a mortise for the floating tenon:

Here is doing the edge of the panel:

Woodworkers Tour

And here is the finished example:

Wooden Entrances

Throughout this whole process Troy freely shared information on the proper building of doors and windows, things that he has learned and some great tips and tricks. Ahh, to be able to apprentice here for a few weeks. 🙂

Here are some other photos taken:

AWA Wooden Window & Door Tour
AWA Wooden Window & Door Tour
AWA Wooden Window & Door Tour
AWA Wooden Window & Door Tour
AWA Wooden Window & Door Tour
AWA Wooden Window & Door Tour
AWA Wooden Window & Door Tour
AWA Wooden Window & Door Tour
AWA Wooden Window & Door Tour
AWA Wooden Window & Door Tour

I mentioned above that Troy’s shop is in the former Wesley Knox United Church. Here’s a sign that’s located in the downstairs shop:

AWA Wooden Window & Door Tour

And speaking of the church, here’s a photo of the shop entrance on the day that we arrived:

AWA Wooden Window & Door Tour

And here’s a photo that I found of the shop on a fine summer day 🙂 :

AWA Wooden Window & Door Tour

The ambiance that the old church gives is very fitting to the quality of the products made here. Troy certainly takes the craft of making wooden windows and doors to a new height. His love for his work shows not only in the finished products but in his energetic way of talking about it. All 24 AWA members and guests that attended agreed, it was a very enjoyable day that included a great presentation with lots of information and understanding gained.

Thanks, Troy, for allowing us to take a little peek into your shop! 😉

If you would like to see some examples of the Wooden Window & Door Co.’s craftsmanship check out their gallery located here.

Directions to the Wooden Windows & Doors Co.: Take the 101 Hwy from Halifax to Exit 14 (Coldbrook). Turn left at the bottom of the ramp and proceed approximately 5 km to West Kings High School and take the first right after school. There is a sign leading to Woodville. About 5 minutes toward Woodville you will come to an intersection with a four way flasher. The Wooden Windows & Doors Co. is on the left.

Back to the shop…

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