The Heritage Trail is a 400 acre provincial park that was built on the site of the former Bisset Farm and is maintained by the Cole Harbour Parks and Trails Association, an all volunteer, not for profit community group.
There are 7 trails that interconnect through wooded areas, fields and shoreline. Points of interest along the trails include the Poor’s Farm Cemetery; the potter’s field for the area, the Poor’s farm; the county’s residence for the ‘harmlessly insane’, and George Bisset House.
Here’s a beautiful vista taken from atop a drumlin:

Another beautiful vista taken from the shoreline:

A large tree with ocean as background:

We found a couple of Geocaches on this little excursion. One of which was the coolest hides we found so far. Unfortunately we can’t show you a photo of it because it would spoil it. Another one stumped us for a while, (it literally ‘stumped’ us since it was in an area hard hit by Hurricane Juan in 2003), but we finally found it.
Because of the limited time we had available we did not get to all the caches in the area and we look forward to getting back here. There are a couple of multi-caches that we are really looking forward to. We’re hoping that the weather holds for a while so that we don’t have to wait until spring. 😉
Btw, a bit of trivia for Trailer Park Boys fans – the Heritage Trail Park is located just across the road from where they film the show.
Keep on cachin’!