The food was excellent and there was lots of it, with far more choices than any restaurant buffet! It was supplied by the members of the Elk Grove Geocachers and included homegrown apricots, delicious blackberries, a variety of other fresh fruit, bacon, eggs, pancakes, biscuits and gravy, a french toast casserole, sausages. chilaquilles and more. There was also a variety of drinks including coffee and juices.
After we all ate there were some announcements, a singing of Happy Birthday for ‘MamaCache’ who was celebrating her birthday and a raffle was held for variety of items including Geocoins and cache containers.
One of the funniest things that happened at the breakfast was when the park sprinklers went off, dowsing any Cacher that happened to be nearby. This happened not once, but twice! The second time was by far the funniest (at least to the rest of us!) when BootyBuddies was making some announcements. He happened to be standing right over the sprinkler and the resulting wet spot was, let’s say, in an embarrassing place.
After breakfast we teamed up with Koa Kai from Vancouver and went searching for the half dozen caches that are in the park. Throughout our hunt we met others doing the same so it often turned into ‘chat fests’ which would account for the fact that it took us until early afternoon to complete the caches.
And we almost didn’t complete them either. We kept hearing rumors of a real tough cache from others that were doing them in a different sequence. It seemed that no one was able to find it. Like the others before us we searched high and low and like them, no luck. We, and a few others, were still searching almost an hour later (actually mrs_go was doing the searching, I was supervising from my resting spot under a nearby tree) when BootyBuddies, the cache owner came by and confirmed that the first stage of this multi-cache was indeed missing. He gave us the coordinates for the second stage where we were successful on the find.
It’s funny how things work out. Obviously the ‘missing’ cache was not planned but because of it we ended up meeting more cachers, we stayed longer than we would have and had more great conversation and lots of laughs, as well we now have a common bond. Ain’t life grand! 🙂
Here are some photos from the day:

There were over 80 Geocachers in attendance and we were able to meet and talk with quite a few of them. Sadly, like the GeoWoodstock event, we met so many people that it is hard to remember them all. However, we won’t forget Sophy from 911_Brownfamily who shared some of her handmade log books with us, Mystery_Ink who gave us a pin and GeoCoin (which we are looking forward to releasing when we get home!), Koa Kai, whom we spent the rest of the morning Geocaching with, Team B and E who stuck it out to the finish with us on the ‘missing’ cache, Yukon Shadow who gave us some great info on a local park to go caching at which unfortunately we weren’t able to take advantage of on this trip but next time we will! And of course, the BootyBuddies who came to our rescue on the ‘missing’ cache.
Elk Grove Park is a beautiful park with large trees, large green areas and water features. It is obviously a popular place because as the day progressed in got busier with several baseball games and lots of Memorial Day family picnics and barbeques. The sky was blue, the sun was shining, there was laughter in the air and we were caching. It was a great way to experience this holiday.
Thanks for the memories!
Keep on cachin’!
I really hope I can one day hit up one of these Geowoodstocks, whether it be next year or down the road. This seems like way too much fun to pass up. Good story and photos from the breakfast, too!
Excellent. Looks like the perfect way to end the weekend. I see that my friends that control the weather listened to my suggestions and provided a beautiful weekend.
PJ, try for next year, it’s a great time. 😉
Hick, thanks for the weather. Great job! 🙂