The Microjig GRR-Ripper System

I picked up the Microjig GRR-Ripper System after reading about in on their site and then seeing a great demonstration at the Moncton Woodshow a couple of weeks ago.

The GRR-Ripper is an enhanced ‘pushstick’ system that also works like a movable blade guard for your table saw or router. It’s great for those times when the blade-guard and anti-kick back pawls would interfere with your woodworking like during narrow ripping.

Microjig GRR-Ripper Jig
Microjig GRR-Ripper Jig

The GRR-Ripper System is basically a safety tool and is designed to protect your hands. The saw blade passes through a ‘tunnel’, which keeps your hands away from the blade. By holding down both sides of the work piece throughout the cutting process, the GRR-Ripper makes kick-back a thing of the past too!

With the various removable and adjustable components, the GRR-Ripper can be easily set up with different configurations for many cutting tasks that would otherwise be too difficult or too time-consuming to achieve.

It has also been designed to allow you create your own add-on accessories as the necessity arises. Microjig also plans on developing accessories to further enhance it’s abilities.

I have found the GRR-Ripper great to use and is now my ‘pushstick’ of choice. It only takes a second to adjust to different wood heights and gives me a great level of comfort when sawing thin strips of wood.

If you are interested you can find out more by clicking here.

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