Here’s a bowl of fire! Well, that’s what it looks like to me. 🙂 I used an African hardwood called Padauk to create this bowl. With its rich grain and fiery red color it certainly makes a fine piece.
The bowl is 6″ in diameter and 2″ tall and finished with some new finishes that I recently bought. You can see how these finishes really enhances the project.

Padauk ranges in color from a deep red to a bright orange and it will darken overtime to a dark reddish brown.
Here is a top view of the bowl:

A view of the bottom:

And a side view showing the profile of the bowl:

I had previously made a bowl with a band of Padauk and this inspired me to make one of solid Padauk. This was truly an enjoyable project to create and I see more projects made of Padauk in my future. 🙂
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