Here was a real fun project that I originally did for the AWA Christmas Toy Drive. I had so much fun making these wooden whistles that I went on to make a total of 16 of them to give away as Christmas gifts for friends and family!

Once I got going each one took about 30 minutes from start to finish. They are all made of Cherry and about 5″ long and 7/8″ round. Each one is different and the accents were burnt in the wood with a bit of wire. They are finished with beeswax and then buffed.
When blown they give a loud whistle that is not hard on the ears, allowing the kids to blow at their heart’s content… or until their parents curse me and put a stop to it. 😉
Here’s a couple of closeups:

Back to the shop…
Very nice. I can see how they could be a great gift and fun to make too!!!