Working with a branch of wet wood he deftly created a unique, one-piece turning of a wooden flower. The wet wood allows the turning of the slender stem, along with a lot of skill. 🙂
Here are some photos of his flowers:

Other members brought in some of their recent work for Show and Tell. Here is a beautiful salad bowl with a ‘chattered’ sidewall:

A couple of candy bowls and a ball. The bowl in the forefront has lace edging on it:

This is a photo of multiple bowls cut from one piece of wood using a Bowl Saver:

It’s great see the work of other local turners, as well as hearing about their stories of what went into creating them.
Don Moore told us of an upcoming woodturning exhibition in June where the object is to promote the craft of woodturning.
Another member brought in two parting tools, one cheap and one of high quality for us to compare. Although similar in style and size the difference was remarkable when each was handled side by side. You could certainly see where quality (and price) makes a big difference.
This was another great meeting and as always, very inspiring!
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