I recently got around to moving my router from a standalone router table to an extension on my table saw. The reason for the move was to give me some added floor space with the elimination of the router table.

This was a move that was planned for some time but like most things of this nature the time was never right until now. I had always had the extension on the table saw and had often thought about it but the deciding factor was when I was able to pick up the router fence addition for my table saw’s Accusquare fence for half the cost on Kijiji. This now allows for fast and accurate alignment, a big improvement over the old one. I also installed a miter slot for a miter gauge, featherboards, etc.
In addition to the router table top I also enclosed the router with a cabinet that has two drawers near the bottom. I use one drawer for my router accessories and the other for the table saw accessories. I also installed a switch on the outside of the cabinet to remotely turn the router on and off.
Here are some more photos of the new router table:

My original concern for combining the table saw and router was when there was a need to switch between the two. However, I have found that this was not a problem since realignment with the Accusquare fence is pretty quick. One problem I did find is that since I have a right-tilt blade on the table saw I have to remove the router fence assembly from the table saw fence when making 45 degree cuts. Once again though, I have found this to be rather painless after I did it a couple of times.
The enclosed cabinet and the vacuum attachment plate on the router fence adds greatly to minimizing the mess of shavings and dust, two features that I never had on the old router table.
Another bonus for this change, and this is a biggie, is that to get to the router I no longer have to pull the router table out, which would always require me to move something from in front of it. Now it is as handy as the table saw. 🙂
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