A Walk And A Find

Well, we finally got out for a walk and a find this morning. It was an early one, starting out at 7:00am. We walked just over 8kms. in about an hour and 15 minutes so we built up a little sweat.

It has been raining and cold here for the past two weeks (‘damn’p cold, as we call it) so our outside time has been limited lately. The weather broke a bit yesterday and we’re hoping that today it gets a bit warmer.

We were able to find our 2nd cache during the walk so the day has started off good. This particular cache is in a lightly wooded area within 7 meters of an intersection. We had a bit of a laugh wondering what the drivers in the cars were saying about us. We were also thinking of the fact that we have either walked or drove by this area hundreds of times in the past few years and until recently never knew that there was this little gem so close by.

New websites are being continually added to the Directory. Presently there are over 130 available. The Software category is filling up quite nice. This category includes online software as well as downloadables so there are quite a few being added. There are some great online utilities to help you with your Geocaching.

All for now, keep on cachin’!

This post was originally posted on our now defunct website, Geocaching Online.


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