Irish Mythen Raised The Roof!

From now on when we hear the expression, “raise the roof” a picture of Irish Mythen will come to mind! Her voice fills the room to overflowing!

We just got home from another house concert at Point Rock Concerts and this time we were treated to the music of Irish Mythen, a local performer by way of Ireland. One comment written about her that we read said, “This vocal powerhouse will blow you away!” and it did. Her expansive vocal range reflects her strong emotions and we were witness to the tenderness of songs like ’55 Years’ to a roof-raising, goose-bumping acappella version of the modern Irish anthem, ‘The Auld Triangle’. Vocal powerhouse, indeed!

This, combined with the depth of her heart-felt stories preceding each song, gave us a glimpse into the wanderings, and sometime wonderings, of a true songwriter, a storyteller. She told us why she wanted to share a particular song with us, why and how she wrote a particular song, a bit of her own history and the people she met and places she’d been. Through these little vignettes the evening took on an aura of it’s own, captivating us, embracing us, bringing us in to her world, her world of song. House concerts allow the artist time to share these stories, something that can’t be done under the timelines of larger venues.

Some of the songs Irish played tonight included Tullamore Blues, The Piano, Half Past Eight, The Wall, Innocent Street, Jesus, The Carny, Gypsy Dancer, We Built The Wall and awesome covers of Ralph McTell’s From Clare To Here, and Janis Joplin’s Mercedes Benz, which she closed with.

Here are a few more photos from this memorable evening:
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And here she performing ‘The Auld Triangle’ at the Old Belle River Church house concert in 2013:

Oh, and we can’t forget Irish’s big smile and quick wit that had us laughing throughout the evening. Her love of life emanates and, like her voice, fills the room.

Irish has lived in Canada since 2009 and now call Prince Edward Island her home.

She currently has two EPs; Appreciate (2004) and Fallen Me (2006) as well as three full-length releases; Republic Of One (1999), Sweet Necessity (2007) and Open Here (2011). Open Here was nominated in the Roots/Traditional Recording of the Year award category at East Coast Music Awards 2012.

You can find out more about Irish Mythen and her music here on her website, Twitter, Facebook, YouTube and Reverbnation and on her her blog.

This was another great evening of music at Point Rock Concerts. Thanks, Mary and Irish, for another great memory! (Hope you enjoyed The Hobbit movie!)

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