Well, we found a way to get down to the beach! We had to use a rope to let ourselves down. Seriously! It was a bit strenuous but certainly worth it! It was a beautiful beach, and huge! There are some great rock formations, even one that looks like the face of Glooscap!

We took a few minutes to sit, snack and enjoy the beach. Did we say it was huge?! There was lots of driftwood there as well as a cache! 🙂
Here are a few more photos that we took along the way:

Though the trail is really not as bad as it may sound care still has to be taken. Preparation, good shoes and lots of water are a must. We saw many people heading in as we were heading out who were not prepared. Some were carrying babies, some were wearing flipflops and most were not carrying water. They continued on, ignoring our concerns…
Here’s a sign that greeted you at the trailhead :):

This was a fantastic hike! Perhaps all a bit sore afterwards but still a great time! Our total travel time was 6 hours and 17 minutes with 3:48 of that moving.
Thanks to our hiking buddies for making this such a special memory and a big, hearty thanks to Finn and Spiritfury for bringing us there and to Fergus Pal for guiding us through the bushwacking back!
Looking forward to the next one!
Keep on cachin’!
EMC of Northridge, CA
Wow.. this goes on my to do list! 🙂
What a great place to geocache. Look at all those caches on the map! Three Earth Caches that close together? Too cool!
When I envision geocaching in my mind, places like that come into view. Cliffs, caves, and waves crashing on the shore. Not corn fields and bean fields like we have around here.
And I think “pathier” is a great word!
Great post!
Pathier is a word. Isn’t it? I’m with the misses, pathier is an excellent choice. That place is [all of those words that we’ve been talking about.] Amazing views, and that beach is fantastic. Great post.
Sounds like an awesome place to cache and your photos really bring it alive. Nice wrap up on the day. Looks like a place that I would end up trying to do more photography than geocaching!
fishing fanatic
Cape Split is one of my favorite hikes to do. Did this hike with some other geocachers just over a year ago to find my 2000th cache. The view at the end is amazing and makes every step along the way worth it.
I am taking the family up to Blomidon this weekend. With the kids being only 4 and 2 years old we likely won’t do the whole trip this time, however we do travel prepared and thankfully my wife and I are both fit enough to enjoy carrying them in the backpacks as much as they enjoy to be carried.
Great article, can’t wait to take it all in with the family in person!