Although these guidelines may seem restrictive to place a cache (they require you to contact the individual park involved where a Parks Canada team will then guide you to place a cache, in the selection of the location, the container to be used and the content) they will ensure the directive of the Parks Canada Caches (ParkCache?) which is to promote aspects of the particular location. Instead of the traditional trade items ‘ParkCaches’ will include a personal story, anecdote or information about the location.
With the increased popularity of virtual caches, EarthCaches and Geocaching as a whole, these guidelines will hopefully clarify the confusion often surrounding Geocaching in these areas.
‘ParkCaches’ may add a whole new dimension to Geocaching, opening the doors for more involvement and another opportunity for visiting some of the world’s most beautiful places!
You can find out more about the Parks Canada Guidelines here at Parks Canada Welcomes Geocachers
Keep on cachin’!