The base is made of Birch and the ‘lip’, or spout, is made of Walnut. It measures 7.5″ in diameter and without the ‘lip’ is only 1.5″ tall. It stands, or rather sits, 2.5″ with the ‘lip’.

This was a great exercise in hollow turning as there was not much room to maneuver with the inside height at less than an inch. The entry hole was opened to 1 5/8, just enough to allow me to reach almost to the edge with the hollowing tool. The Walnut ‘lip’ was turned separatly and then later glued on, reducing the entrance hole to about 7/8 on an inch.
The piece is finished with the EEE Cream and Shellawax combo.
Here are some more photos:

This was certainly fun to do and I enjoy the looks of it in a quirky way. I expect that there’ll be more… 🙂
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