One piece hit me square in the face and then continued on into the air. Luckily, I was wearing my new, dandy face shield that I told you about last week.
I guess providence has it’s way. I was in the habit of flipping up the old face shield quite often to see because it was so scratched up. Often times I would forget to put it down. With my new face shield there is no need to flip it up. I’m glad I heeded the call and got the new one.
The piece of wood only left a small mark to the side which doesn’t hurt it’s use.
This was another wake up call that you can never take safety for granted. Note to self: Wear the face shield, the face mask, the noise protectors, turn on the dust collector…
Back to the shop…
Angus Pitt
I had a bowl piece hit me about 10 or so years ago. Needless to say you won’t catch me with out a face shield.
Woodworker's Guide
Hear! Hear!