I just had to try out some of the new turning tools so I turned a Yellowheart candy bowl. It is approximately 7″ in diameter and 1 3/4 ” high and finished with beeswax.

Yellowheart, or Pau Amarello, is a hardwood from Brazil. It’s yellow color is fairly bright though I expect it to darken somewhat over time.
When turning yellowheart it creates a fine yellow dust which can cause skin rash and I doubt is good for your lungs so care must be taken.
The scrapers worked out well, allowing me to smooth out the inside of the bowl quite easily.
It was a great way to spend an afternoon.
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so you made this bowl in one afternoon?? I’ve been trying to carve a bowl from a block of yellowheart for a while now. the wood is so hard its hard for me to get much dug out, especially when going against the grain or cross-wise. any tips on how you were able to make this bowl so fast?
Woodworker's Guide
Sarah, I turned (woodturning) the bowl on a lathe. I did not carve it. Hope that helps.