As you traverse the great plains of life you acquire small mementos along the journey. These little tokens are kept to remind you of the blissful times. As they accumulate you realize that you require a special place for them to be stored, a place for safe-keeping, a place that they are easily accessed, to remember or to share their tales.

It features a drop-in ebony lid that has been accented with three, almost parallel, Zebrawood strips that gives the sense that they will meet at some point in the distance. The bottom is also accented with a strip of ebony. The ebony base raises the piece almost 3/8 of an inch, elevating it with a hint of shadow. The sides are African Zebrawood.
It stands almost 3″ tall and is 4 1/2″ square. It is finished with wipe-on poly and lightly sanded between each coat to give it a velvety touch.
Here are some more photos:

This was truly a joy to make.
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Are the strips in the top inlays or did you glue together several different pieces? Great looking box.
Woodworker's Guide
Josh, the top is 7pieces of wood glued together, not inlayed. Hope this helps!
Richard Wildeman
Simple but brilliant design. I absolutely love it!!
Woodworker's Guide
Thanks, Richard. Appreciate the comment!
Gavin Zeigler
A lovely box on several levels!
Woodworker's Guide
Thanks, Gavin, for the comment as well as the reminder. Haven’t seen this box in a while. 🙂