Oh no, I’m not done yet, here’s even more wine stoppers! Again, these were made for the past Christmas season.
This time there are 16 stoppers and in quite a colorful array of woods.

There’s stoppers made of Pau Rosa, Yellowheart, Zebrawood, Thuya burl, Purpleheart, Red Palm, Pauduk, Jatoba and even one made of Walnut Birch.
Here’s some closeup photos of these wine stoppers:
From left to right here’s stoppers made of Zebrawood, Pauduk, Purpleheart, Yellowheart (Pau Amarillo) and Pau Rosa:

Here’s stoppers made of Zebrawood, Jatoba, Walnut Birch, Pau Rosa and Red Palm:

And finally here’s a Pau Rosa, Pauduk, Red Palm, another Pau Rosa and a Thuya burl stopper:

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