This meeting was a ‘make-up’ meeting since the one last month was cancelled due to the weather.
After a bit of a fun doing the ‘room rhumba’ we settled into a more comfortable classroom and the evening started with Club President, Bill Luther, bringing us up to speed on a few things. Of note was information on the upcoming Woodturning Competition and on how important it is to fill out the entry forms correctly, especially the section on ‘Intent’. This section being where you can let the judges know what you wanted to achieve with your turning. There will be more on this at our regular meeting next week. The deadline for competition entries is January 24th so get turning! Remember last year’s competition? It was a lot of fun!
There will be a month long exhibition (not a competition!) in Truro, Nova Scotia in either May or June (member interest indicates June) which the Guild will be a part of. More on this as information follows.
There will also be a Sorby Tools demo at BusyBee Tools in the very near future! About 70 members attended the last Sorby demo held here and it proved to be a great time! Can’t wait for this one!
From here we went into Show and Tell and it was fantastic! I’m not sure if it was the fact that we missed last month’s meeting or perhaps member’s had some time off during the holiday season but whatever it was there was sure a lot of items! There were bowls, ornaments, a clock, a table and more! Here are some photos of these great turnings:

Like I said, the members were bussssssy! 🙂 Not only do these items show fine workmanship but ingenuity as well. It is always interesting to hear about the trials and tribulations, as well as the fun, that the members had while turning these pieces.
Show and Tell was followed by our guest speaker, Kevin Hurst, Assistant Manager of our local Lee Valley, who gave us an excellent overview of about 30 different finishing products available.

He spoke on preservation and wood sealing products, oils, waxes, lacquer, shellacs and application products and included comparisons between the different products, what works for woodturning and what doesn’t, as well as his recommendations. His presentation was peppered with questions and answers as well as examples, experiences and working suggestions were given by the members which gave even more insight into these products. It was another great presentation from our fine folks at LV! 🙂
And another great meeting for the Nova Woodturners Guild too! All this information, conversation and inspiration bundled up in a two hour package – Wow! 🙂
Back to the shop…