Our First Find!

Well, this morning we made our first find! How exhilarating!

As we said earlier, we only recently got involved with Geocaching. We initially bought our GPS for hiking and car travel but we quickly became aware of, and very interested in, Geocaching. We have spent the past couple of months getting to know our GPS (Garmin 76CSX), reading about Geocaching, attending a few local functions and putting Geocaching Online together. We had a few outings but we were unsuccessful.

This morning we made a pact that we were going to go find a cache, and not come home until we found one. So armed with our GPSr and an optimistic outlook we set out. The first couple of caches we had in mind were in pretty public places with lots of people about so we went on to the next. After a short walk on a paved trail and down over an embankment we made our find. We were pretty excited. šŸ™‚

We took (and left something too!) what appears to be a stylized pendant that looks like a lady with her hands over her head. We call her ā€˜The Angel of the Cacheā€™. Since this is a memento of our first find we plan on mounting it on a nice piece of wood and labeling it as such.

This certainly has been a great day for usā€¦ the beginning of a long lasting and rewarding hobby!

Keep on cachinā€™!

This post was originally posted on our now defunct website, Geocaching Online

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