We picked up three more caches while we were there. They included this one that was between the cracks in a large rock:

This one that was wedged in a tree:

And this one that was lodged under another large rock:

These were pretty quick finds that topped off a great lunch and a nice little walk.
We also almost answered that age old question, “Do bears poop in the woods?”. It’s quite apparent that deer do :):

It’s certainly nice to see the deer back, it’s like seeing your first robin of the season, just lets you know that spring is truly here. We had five deer in our yard yesterday, 2 in the morning and 3 at dusk. They look quite scraggly now but with food becoming more abundant (like our tulips!) they should look better soon.
Keep on cachin’!
Isn’t it nice to go for a nice walk and find three normal sized caches? The perfect cap to a great meal. Good times.
Geocaching With Team Hick@Heart
Ahhh, spring. Although it snowed a bit this morning, it didn’t stick, and ended up in the 40s. We saw our first wood ducks by the lake today. The Canada Geese have been back for a week now. I had to drive some 70 miles south for work today and their lakes are open already. A large group of pelicans were on the water, along with some Great Blue Herons. We made it through winter!
Great photos!
Seems like spring is starting to turn here, as well. Thankfully. I’m ready for warmer days. A couple of us spent this past Saturday caching and got to hit a bunch. Well worth the day.
Scott "Infinity Team"
WOW!! Three regular sized caches in that short of an area. And I had to laugh at the second to last picture!! You can tell that that is a geopile hiding that cache!! LOL
Wish it would warm up here. Your post makes me excited to get out there caching again. That last picture made me laugh too!