The meeting got off to a quick start with reviews of the year-end and financial reports. This was followed by the executive nominations and approvals. Finally, the proposed changes to our By-laws were voted on and accepted.
The AGM portion of the meeting only took about a half hour (gotta like it! 😉 ) which allowed lots of time for other things including Show and Tell which there were several pieces brought in for.
Here’s a turned bowl that was made out a 3/4″ thick piece of wood. Circles were scroll sawed on an angled, refitted, glued and then turned:

Here is a child’s chair which was a project that a member recently completed while she was attending the Fine Woodworking program at Selkirk College in Nelson, BC. It is made of Bubinga and Birch:

Here’s a cool little project, a unique paper or picture hanger. It works with a marble that is pushed up when you insert the paper. The marble then rolls down jamming the paper in place. To remove it is just a simple matter of sliding the paper sideways. Pretty cool, huh?

We also had an update on the Duck Nesting Box project that informed us that the parts for 150 boxes were near completion. The other 50 will be done as needed. There will be several assembly sessions coming up. The boxes will be on display at the Outdoor Sports and RV Show, March 19-21. There is also a pamphlet being supplied by Environment Canada and Ducks Unlimited called Nest Box Guide for Waterfowl.

It is very similar to this one in use in Alberta.
We also had time for a Question and Answer session that included group discussions on using MDF for a bench top and on different glues available.
The evening concluded with the draw for the Sorby woodturning tools with a lucky member taking it home.
Hats off to our president for making the business portion of the meeting as painless as possible. Kudos to you! 🙂
There were 22 members in attendance.
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